Steve has offered solutions where most thought that none were available.


I have worked on advanced planning cases with Mr. Drake for many years. He has had many innovative ideas to really help my clients save substantial amounts.


My large law firm throughout Mainland China has consulted with Dr. Drake for about 20 years in China for US and foreign issues affecting several countries and we dramatically increased profitability and found sound ways to permit clients to both sell their businesses and expand product distribution. Steve helped immensely in mitigating multi-country tax and financial planning issues.

- GX, Lead Attorney, Mainland China

My large energy resource company in the US has grown dramatically over the years as the price of oil and natural resources have soared. Steve has helped my company expand and improve my bottom line while minimizing all costs of operation.


“Family estate planning helped move $5M more to my heirs and will reduce my future estate and inheritance taxes to near zero”.

- SS, Company Owner

Optima has restructured our Company, brought in new executive talent and expanded our gross income from $50M to $125M.

- CJ. CEO Corporate Executive